We have a huge list of people and organizations to thank for making this trip possible. We hope we don’t forget anyone. The outpouring of generosity has been such a touching show of human spirit. A heartfelt thank you. Words cannot say enough. We are privileged to have been able to serve. Please know that your contribution helped us make a real difference.
- Linda and staff – from Rocky Mountain Osteopathic Medicine for spending hours on the phone and internet making our transportation plans.
- Matthew 25 house – (Sister Mary, Viv, Patrick, Amber, and all the staff, interpreters, cooks, Theil and crew) for your grand hospitality and rising way above the call. John McGreevy (latrine and tent maker and organizer extraordinaire), John Baeza – retired NYPD detective – for making us and our families all sleep better.
- Dr. Jim Toth and Barb Burk, RN our fearless Matthew 25 field hospital leaders
- Mark Coughlin for great friendship, support, and entertainment
- Peter Anderson, Dr. Michael, Dr. Flavia (Atlanta), Dr. Lynn and Dr. Don (Tennessee), Dr. Leo, and Dr. Ike for being our relief team. We know our patients are in good hands.
- Angel Wings (Alaska , American, and Delta Airlines)
- Missionary Flight International (a tremendously organized operation who flew us immediately and told us to pay when you can)
- Hendrick Motorsports – donated planes and crew to MFI for disaster relief. Fuel paid for by individual drivers (homebound flight fuel paid for by Mark Martin)
- The Children’s Hospital
- Porter Hospital
- Swedish Hospital
- Orthoglass – John Ruston
- Ethicon – Rosie Wirth
- Denver Divers
- Bass Pro Shop
- Target
- Walmart
- Sportsman’s Warehouse
- Army Surplus Store in Englewood
- David – for allowing us to take over your house and backyard as command central.
- Petra – organizing supplies, before and after our departure.
- Our family and friends for your support and prayers.
- Fellow staff members for picking up shifts and responsibilities
- To countless strangers who helped in any way they could along the way